
Tips For a Healthy Pregnancy

You and your partner can increase your chances of having a healthy and successful pregnancy if both you and your partner are living a healthy and balanced lifestyle to start with. If you want to start or expand your family, here are some pregnancy health tips: Stop Smoking Smoking, in general, is really bad for […]

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Tips for Families Planning an Adoption

The process involved in adoption requires your time, effort and most of all: patience. Nevertheless, once you are contacted by an adoption agency and everything goes smoothly, the joy of holding your adopted baby is priceless. Here are some tips concerning the adoption process that can help on your way: Familiarize Yourself with State Laws […]

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Games Babies Play

Play is a very important tool that helps babies and toddlers develop vital skills. According to experts, babies and toddlers use play to discover and explore the world around them. Because their different senses are just starting to develop, they tend to grab things or put objects inside their mouths to see how these objects […]

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Be a Stylish Mom-to-be

Having a baby bump doesn’t mean you have to stick to non-flattering dresses and generic outfits for pregnant moms. If you want to be a chic mom-to-be, here are some maternity fashion tips: Avoid Bulky Clothes Bulky shirts can only make you look bigger. One key in achieving a sexy look while pregnant is to […]

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How To Teach Kids to Use the Potty

Potty training is a very important stage in your child’s development. Aside from the fact that you won’t have to deal with messy diapers, potty training also means that your child is indeed growing up. If you think potty training is a messy task, here are some tips to help you out: Know the Right […]

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Ending a Sibling Fight

Being a parent is both fun and challenging. It’s fun because seeing your precious children grow up is priceless. On the other hand, being a parent can sometimes push your buttons, especially if your kids keep on fighting. Siblings fight due to a lot of reasons. Some of these reasons include changing needs and individual […]

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Health and Fitness Tips for the Whole Family

Are your kids addicted to the TV or video games? If you and your family spend too much time in front of the TV screen or computer monitor, you may be begging for health problems associated with a less active lifestyle such as obesity. Unfortunately, leisure activities that don’t require jumping or running are more […]

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Thanksgiving Craft Projects for Kids

Aside from telling your kids the importance of Thanksgiving Day in American history, how about letting them feel the spirit of Thanksgiving through various art and craft projects? If you’re running low on creative ideas on how to keep your kids busy during Thanksgiving, here are some arty and crafty ideas: Thanksgiving-inspired Place Cards Aside […]

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